we share waters is a solo work created in dance performance studies, Theatre Academy Helsinki 2021.
”I am working on my solo using blanks and outlines that have emerged in the courses of Sonja Jokiniemi and Teo Aalaruona, through which I study questions related to parenting and the world of baby perception. I am particularly interested in the character drawn between the baby and the parent, the shared space in which desires, needs, and sensory perceptions meet, converge, and collide. The starting point for the solo is working with selected objects, which is a continuation of the material created in the Jokiniemi course. In addition, I explore the possibilities of the speculative fiction presented by Alaruona to embody this emerging infant-parent hybrid character.”
Choreography, performing, costume and set design: Pauliina Sjöberg Sound design: Teo Paaer Photos: Sanni Siira